Market Snapshot

Data in 15-minute time block format is available from delivery day 1st April 2012 onwards.

Average (MW) for real time curtailment is only for curtailed blocks.

Time blocks where real time curtailment occurred, affected values are shown (in Red).

Time blocks where congestion occurred are highlighted in Blue.

* Real time curtailment if any, will be uploaded on the second day from trading (T+2).

MCV: Market Cleared Volume (Unconstrained) Cleared Volume: Volume Cleared Post Congestion
MCP: Market Clearing Price (Unconstrained) Final Scheduled Volume: Volume adjusted for real time curtailment
Average (RTC): Average of traded hours price in (24 Hrs) Morning: Average of traded hours price in (07-10 Hrs)
Peak: Average of traded hours price in (18-23 Hrs) Day: Average of traded hours price in (11-17 Hrs)
Non Peak: Average of traded hours price in (1-17 & 24 Hrs) Night: Average of traded hours price in (01-06,24 Hrs)

Indian Energy Exchange - 7/27/2024 3:03:49 PM

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